Dear Lord,

I ask today that You would soften our hearts to Your will and way.

You are so good. Thank You for leading us to Your Truth. I praise You for Your faithfulness and persistent guidance. 

Please help the those of us who are struggling in the hardness of their hearts today. My heart aches for them. 

Lord, I remember what it was like to live in complete bondage to my natural thoughts and emotions. 

My heart was hardened by bitterness and discontentment. Sadness and anxiety consumed my emotions. Fear and insecurity tormented my thoughts.

I rejected You again and again. Yet, still, you patiently pursued me. And You healed my broken soul by softening my hardened heart.

Thank you, Lord.

Give us continued strength to walk in the freedom of your love and Truth. Soften our hearts again each day.

Replace our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh that are sensitive to Your will (Ezekiel 11:19), and protect us from bitterness through the power of Your Holy Spirit (Hebrews 12:15).



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