My name is Cailin, and, much like you, I know all about insecurity.

But over the last few years, the Lord has helped me overcome some major strongholds of insecurity in my life, e.g., disordered eating and negative body image.

And I want to share what He has shown and taught me with you.

That’s why I created Purposefully Portioned.

I want to empower women like you to see yourself as the Lord sees you–beautiful, capable, and enough through Him.


I’m a Christian (who strives to act like one), the wife of a loving and patient husband, an advocate for positive thinking, a proponent of truth, a believer in authenticity, and, most recently, a Hope*Writer.

I pray that the words shared on this blog would be a source of encouragement for you. But, above all else, I pray that they would bring glory to God.


Insecurity entered my life when I was a little girl and quickly penetrated my heart and mind.

For many years, it ran rampant in my life. I allowed it to dictate my emotions and actions as well as distract me from my relationship with my Savior.

As my insecurities grew and multiplied, my relationship with God slowly started dissolving.

My confidence was misplaced.

Rather than trusting in the Lord, I clung to every word that insecurity whispered. It filled my head with lies and my heart with despair.

I tried to fill the emptiness in my heart with relationships, accomplishments, and entertainment, but none could ever satisfy my soul.


I eventually realized that God alone can fulfill our soul’s longing.

Psalm 73:26 tells us that the Lord is our portion. He knows exactly what each one of us need each day. And He has designed all of us for a purpose. 

Insecurity may have stolen my past, but I do not have to let it control my future.

And neither do you.

So let me come alongside you, encourage you, and inspire you to hold to God’s promises as you learn to live the purposefully portioned life that He has designed for you.


When I was a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a writer. But as I got older, a writing career seemed impractical at best and unobtainable at worst.

So, as I neared the end of high school, I decided to put my writing dream on the back burner to pursue a more reasonable career.

When I graduated college and started my new job, I tried to smother any remaining hopes of becoming a professional writer. But I couldn’t ignore the gnawing sensation in the pit of my stomach urging me to keep my dream alive.

Four short months after starting my job, the Lord opened doors that allowed me to cut back my hours and pursue my calling. 

And in October of 2018–after much encouragement and prayer and many hours of hard work and encouragement–I was able to launch Purposefully Portioned.

And for that I am so thankful.

My dream for Purposefully Portioned is that it would be a safe space where women like you and me come to find encouragement in the Lord.

I pray that Purposefully Portioned will become a close-knit community of faith-filled women striving toward a common goal of finding true, unfaltering confidence in Christ.


Cailin Davis, author of Purposefully Portioned.
I am a hope*WRITER



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