Has insecurity trapped you under a weight of anxiety or despair?

Are you beginning to feel like you’ll never break free?

If so, you’re not alone!



Quick background on me for those of you who haven’t had a chance to read my About Me page: I, like many others, have struggled with insecurity since I was a little girl. When I was 12 years old, it took control of my life.

For nearly ten years, I lived beneath a heavy shroud of discontentment and fear, choking on self-loathing and nearly suffocating on despair. I was a born-again believer on Jesus whose faith was in her feelings rather than in His promises.

The only real faith that I had in the Lord was in what He could give me. I didn’t want an all-powerful God who would do what was best for me. I wanted a genie to grant my wishes.

My trust in the Lord dwindled more each time He didn’t give me what I hoped for. I felt forgotten, hopeless, and alone, and I believed that I was.



What I didn’t realize when I was younger is that there’s a big difference between having knowledge about God and truly knowing God. I knew of God’s promise to never leave or forsake His children, but I didn’t believe in that promise when I couldn’t feel His presence. 

But I had it backwards.

I didn’t let my relationship with God guide my emotions. Instead, I let my emotional state determine the course of my relationship with God. 

I gave my feelings the power to dictate my thought patterns and belief system.

Don’t get me wrong. I do believe that feelings play an important role in our relationship with God. But I also believe that it’s necessary to weigh our feelings against the principles and promises found in God’s Word.

Feelings should not be used as a life compass, because emotions can’t be inherently trusted. The mind can become a dangerous place when we trust our feelings more than God’s truths. (click to tweet)



One of the most valuable tools we can use in our journey to find freedom from our feelings, is the knowledge and conviction that is always God is available. We’re not alone. 

It’s true whether we have a support system made up of friends and family or not. We’re not alone because the God of the universe has promised to go before and stay with us always.

We can find evidence of that promise in Deuteronomy 31. This chapter of the Bible tells of God’s promise to go with His children, the Israelite people, as they entered the Promised Land. Not only did He promise to go with them. He also promised that He would never leave or forsake them.

In Hebrews 13, the Lord reiterates that promise. This is significant because when the book of Hebrews was written, the Lord had made the gospel available to Gentiles and Jews alike. So this promise was given to everyone that believed on the Lord, not just to the people of Israel.

No matter who you are or what your background is, you’re not alone. God is with you. It’s a powerful truth. It’s one that we must grasp in order to begin navigating healthy relationships with God, ourselves, and others.  



Building relationships with individuals that encourage and refine us is beneficial, but it’s essential to develop a deeply intimate relationship with our Savior.

Our relationship with the Lord is far greater than any human companionship is ever capable of becoming. No matter what life brings our way, He is with us. He is a loving Savior and a faithful friend, and we have an amazing opportunity to fellowship with Him. 

Let’s take it.

Proverbs 3:5 tells us to trust in the Lord with all of our heart rather than leaning on our own understanding. So let’s stop giving our feelings control. Instead, let’s encourage ourselves and one another with the Truth.

You may still have days when you feel forgotten, hopeless, and alone. But during those days you can talk the Lord, reach out to others, and remind yourself that you, most assuredly, are never alone. God sees you, and He knows exactly where you are.



If you’re feeling anxious or down, having a difficult time in your walk with God, or even just struggling a little bit in your personal life, (I know I’ve said it a million times but…) you’re not alone.

I’ve been there. And I still go there–often.

The topics I write about are things that I’ve struggled with or continue to struggle with personally, so know that I’m talking to myself as much as I’m talking to you. Insecurity takes each person on a unique journey. It’s never anyone’s place to judge where another person’s journey has taken them. What’s important is that we’re all striving to move forward and to draw closer to the Lord.

I started this blog to help women like you break the bonds of insecurity. By doing this, you’ll be free to move into a deeper relationship with the Lord and with who He created you to be.

I’m here for you, and I want to hear from you! So leave a comment below telling about your journey with insecurity. You can also leave a comment if you have any suggestions for future post topics.

You can get in touch with me by contacting me via my contact form or my direct email cailin@purposefullyportioned.com.

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading!

Live purposefully, Cailin


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